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Monday, January 14, 2008

Brouillon .

To move in world, to see you happy, to be only with you, to say you that I love you only when you laugh, a pathetic life but beautiful has your sides. To have an apartment on the edges of the Seine, to go hand in the hand on the Elysés fields. To drink a blow, then another: to say to you that you are beautiful and that I board envy of you. To make love like animals. Breathed your odor. That you laugh of made that one would be both one meadows of the other smiling itself.To think a life both, we will live of love and water fraiche for the only pleasure of the eyes of the envieux one. To be both, both, both. You and me, him and him, us. To meet friends, to have fun the festival, to forget themselves to move away a little more and to finish being left in happy tear but because one will have been happy like anybody to forever be it. To meet somebody, to forget you a little more, to fall down in love.To reconsider has to us two, as have happy stays. To see you with a party, to think to be with you again, to finish in your bed remembering the odor of your cloths .et to say that I love you always, even if there is another of them that me. And to remain at your sides forever. To see you happy like front. To age a little more. not to forget that have it will be always crazy one of the other. In smoking a last before stopping. To remake the love. To age a little more. To feel that you are badly. To see you suffering. And then to see you leaving, that you give up me to go in top. You died. I suffer, I decayed. And pensser with you each second. To let me die. And finally to start from this world, to join you. Love still Love .
M& only me

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